Whose Table is it Anyway?

“Are you moving city property?” I was asked as I was getting ready for the Dec 09, 2008 Planning Commission meeting.


I wasn’t just asked this question once, I was asked twice. The first time by the Planning Director. The second time by the City Attorney.


My answer was along the line of “Same thing I was doing at the last City Council meeting.”


What was I doing to inspire such curiosity?


I was moving a table closer to one of the few electrical outlets in the City Council Chambers.


Why was I moving the table? You might wonder………


I have a laptop. Love it!


Have been dragging it to meetings lately. Very efficient…just take notes right there, take it home. Edit here. Edit there. Here a change, there a change, then the post is ready.


But I digress…


As much as I love my laptop…it has one teeny-tiny “flaw”. The battery only holds a charge for about 2 hours and meetings in Livingston have been known to go on until way past “dark thirty”.


At the last City Council meeting, I had gone hunting around for a “plug in” and a kind person from the City “fixed me up” with a spot next to the afore mentioned electrical outlet.


On the evening of the Planning Commission meeting, I just figured “If this outlet’s location is good enough for City Council. It’s good enough for Planning Commission.”


Now, ……………..after thinking about it for a couple of days, I think I have a better answer for the question asked me by both the Planning Director and the City Attorney there that night.


No….I was not moving “City Property” per se. I was moving taxpayers property!


I’m a resident of the City and a Taxpayer


That makes it my table too….Doesn’t it?


Just something to think about……

Author: thegardeningsnail

Local Politics fanatic. Often spending hours researching the historical background to current issues; reading through City Council and Planning Commission Agenda Packets. Some people can spend hours playing online video games. I can spend hours looking up old newspaper articles online..... One of my favorites quotes is from the "Dune Saga"..."Belief can be manipulated. Knowledge is dangerous"

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