4 Denial of Claim for Loss of Spouse from Balbir Kaur Dhami.

Meeting Date: July 19, 2016

The Location of the Accident is given as: “Hammatt Ave. and Walnut Ave.”

The Description of how the accident happened is given as follows: (The Decedent) “was walking east across Hammat Ave. at approximately 5:30 p.m. when he was struck and killed….During this time, the street light at the location was inoperable.

I have added a map for reference purposes

Hammatt Ave and Walnut




The Location of the Accident is given as: “Hammatt Ave. and Walnut Ave.”

The Description of how the accident happened is given as follows: (The Decedent) “was walking east across Hammat Ave. at approximately 5:30 p.m. when he was struck and killed….During this time, the street light at the location was inoperable.