L is for Livingston and also for Lawsuit

“It’s too big!”


“There’s not enough water”


“You’re planning projects on land not under your jurisdiction”


“You’re planning projects on land not in the study boundary and general plan update”


“Should does not mean shall”


“I don’t want my Ag land taken into the sphere of influence”


“You’re including lands covered by the Williamson Act and permanent Ag Easements in your plans”


“You’re planning for a drainage basin on my land and I am not going to sell”


“You’re planning for sewer ponds on my land and I am not going to sell”


“When we started this project, the consensus was for a future population of at most 30,000 not the over 100,000 at max buildout like on this plan!”






At Meeting after Meeting: City Council, Planning Commission, Citizens Advisory, folks have come up to the podium again and again and again warning about problems, errors and omissions in the Livingston 2025 General Plan update.


And over and over, their concerns were either unheeded, or disparaged: Especially some of the local farmers whose lands are in the path of the future expansion. Not only were their concerns about the City’s intentions not properly responded to, at times they were even treated with disrespect, disdain, and uncalled for callousness.


It was very clear throughout the process, and at all the meetings, that if you didn’t live within the City Limits (and therefore unable to cast a vote for a future council person) you were fair game for comments like

·        “you’re not a member of this community and you have no right to comment on what we (the city) do with “our” land”

·        “you’re just seeing conspiracy theories, flying saucers, and men in silver suits”


Now…think about it just a moment…if this is the kind of response you get from the City Council, would you believe they had any concern for your well being?


If you are a farmer…and the city has a drainage basin planned on YOUR land (even if it IS sometime in the “future”) wouldn’t you be just a bit concerned?


If your land is trespassed upon repeatedly by developers, contractors, and equipment wouldn’t you be just a tad upset?


And when you notify the city and the county about lack of notification and are ignored, wouldn’t you get just a bit angry?


And when you complain to the City about the trespassing (because it is the “lead agency” on the project causing you headaches) and are told “you should have come to the meetings” wouldn’t you be getting even more furious?


Would YOU really believe it if you’re told “we can always fix it later”?


Under the circumstances, would you even wait until “later”?


Given the history of this General Plan Update, it should be no surprise to anyone that there is litigation in the wind. Under CEQUA law, (the way I understand it) it is left to the public to restrain a City when it gets too ambitious, capricious, or negligent in its General Plan Updating process.


(In other words somebody’s gotta sue.)


So……for those of you out there who still think “It’s just a Plan”……..


It’s just a lawsuit!


Something to think about……


To read the Farm Bureau Lawsuit click HERE







Author: thegardeningsnail

Local Politics fanatic. Often spending hours researching the historical background to current issues; reading through City Council and Planning Commission Agenda Packets. Some people can spend hours playing online video games. I can spend hours looking up old newspaper articles online..... One of my favorites quotes is from the "Dune Saga"..."Belief can be manipulated. Knowledge is dangerous"

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