“Planning” For The Future?

At last night’s City Council meeting, one of the Discussion and Potential Action Items taken up was:

“14. Introduce and Waive the first Reading of an Ordinance of the Livingston City Council amending Sections 2-1, 2-2-3, 2-3-3, 2-4-3, of the Livingston municipal Code to Require the Automatic Vacancy of Members of City Boards, Commissions, Committees and Other Bodies Created by the City Council for Failing to Attend Meetings.”


Apparently, for some time there has been a problem with ensuring a quorum at certain Commission and Committee meetings. Action Items were being postponed and Applicants before the Planning Commission were told to “come back and try again next month because we don’t have a quorum this time” all too often.


Some Commissioners and Committee members were becoming frustrated with the multiple absences of other members. At the same time, those who had business before the Planning Commission were losing their patience with “city bureaucrats”. Rapidly.


However, it seemed most of last nights discussion centered around just who would be in charge of monitoring absences, and including language that would be “fair and non-judgmental” enough to not “kick of” a Commissioner or Committee member who might be “excusably” absent due to illness, family emergency, etc.


While the Council may eventually settle on language that would be “fair” to Planning Commissioners and other Committee members that will not solve the dilemma and frustration of property owners and business people whose applications before the Planning Commission are stalled due to a lack of a quorum.


They, deservedly, want an “up or down”, “yes or no” on their project application.


Business people, especially, need to know, as quickly as possible, will their project happen here, or should it be taken elsewhere.


As Council Person Vierra said,

“If a person is waiting 60 days and no action is taken. Sixty days is a long time…….. Then we complain that businesses don’t come to Livingston.”


Especially in this Economy.


We all understand that “stuff” can happen to even the most reliable and responsible of people. And while I’m sure that the majority of people in Livingston would not judge a Commissioner harshly for missing the occasional meeting for “good cause” that is not the real issue at hand.


The issue is making sure that every Commission, Board, etc. (especially Planning) meeting has a functional quorum in order to “get the job done.”


There have already been meetings at which an applicant has been told to “come back next month” because of a lack of a quorum. Even if City Staff succeeds in drafting the “perfect ordinance on Automatic Vacancy” that still won’t solve the immediate problem of what to do with an application before the Planning Commission that is “stalled” for the lack of a quorum.


Perhaps instead of having to “come back next month” to Planning, the applicant should get a “free pass” directly to City Council for a fair hearing.


After all, the Planning Commission functions somewhat like a Teachers Aid. A Teacher’s Aid helps out with classroom routines and grading tests and papers for the Teacher.


When the Aid is “out sick”, the Teacher just has to do the best s/he can alone.


Maybe the Council could do the same.


Just something to think about


For those of you who are interested in the Draft Minutes from the December 16th, 2008 City Council Meeting, click HERE.

Author: thegardeningsnail

Local Politics fanatic. Often spending hours researching the historical background to current issues; reading through City Council and Planning Commission Agenda Packets. Some people can spend hours playing online video games. I can spend hours looking up old newspaper articles online..... One of my favorites quotes is from the "Dune Saga"..."Belief can be manipulated. Knowledge is dangerous"

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